Sunday, October 3, 2010

Comics! Woo!

I have refrained from blogging lately because I don't have a concrete topic in mind, which usually mean it'll end up being an emofest or something equally frivolous. But! I've decided to write about comics. I really like comics, nowadays. Comics in the real world get a bad rap, probably because their most popular/well known examples are related to superheroes or are the (moderately poor quality) ones in newspapers. However, comics, and webcomics specifically, are on the rise in quality and readership. And I love it! So this is just a tribute to webcomics. I'm writing all this from memory and opinion(no research or outside opinions are swayin' me here), so if I say anything inaccurate or offensive, forgive me. 

xkcd* - This was the first webcomic I ever read, I think. Not sure how I even found it. But I quite like it. I no longer think it's the most hilarious thing out there, but it's awesome. I mean, look at its tagline. "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." If it said "person" instead of "webcomic" it would describe me! Well sort of. Actually it would describe mostly just what I think about a lot. Anyway, xkcd is quite well appreciated already, so I won't spend too much time singing its praises. The jokes are usually hilarious and quite orginal, and extra hilarious in being super geeky. I sometimes don't get the more complicated math or programming jokes, and for such simplistic art (stick figures and the occasional graph), it could do with more frequent updating. But Randall Munroe is self-sufficient, so I guess he knows what he's doing.

Questionable Content - Now this is one of my favorites. Jeph Jaques is also self-sufficient but he doesn't coast on his success; his art is constantly improving (starting at the beginning and ending on number 1700 or whatever lets you see the art evolving over the last few years and it's pretty astounding) and it has a running story, with a lovely four-paneler every weekday. You have to start at the beginning if you're planning an archive crawl, but you will be addicted so it will probably go fast and it's a great journey. The characters are so 3-D (conceptually, not literally) and witty and oh I just love it. I'd have to say it's PG-13 though, maybe, if you couldn't tell from the title. A very worthwhile read though!

Dinosaur Comics* - Another ultimate favorite! If QC has my favorite story and art, DC has my favorite writing. Dinosaur Comics is unique in its art, considering it hardly has any. The same graphic is used (to pretty neat effect) in every strip, so that the words are more the focus. Ryan North (on whom I have an online crush) uses T-Rex, Dromiceiomimus, (I lied about using no outside sources for this blog entry. I checked the spelling on D. Which got me sidetracked and I started reading Dr. McNinja while writing, so that's next on the list now) and Utahraptor to make interesting points about philosophy, language, science, the medical profession, culture, and other stuff that would sound too strange to describe here, but trust me, it works. DC is one of the few things online that can make me either think deeply and actually laugh out loud. Mr. North has a unique way of using words that I quite enjoy, and upon reading much of it, it becomes contagious. I find myself using caps lock and exclamation marks and "friggin'" a lot more often than I used to. Also: "cats and kittens" and "dudes and ladies." Ryan North is very entertaining, I tell you what. He's a computational linguist, officially, and darn if that isn't the coolest thing ever. It also explains why I like his work so much.

The Adventures of Dr. McNinja* - My latest favorite comic! It's about a ninja who is also a doctor, in addition to huge lumberjacks, breaking windows, pirates, a gorilla, velociraptors (my spell check said I spelled this wrong and suggested "disreputable"), a clone of Ben Franklin, a 10-year-old with a crazy mustache, mexicans, chainsaw nun-chucks, shamrock shurikens, motorcycles, robots, an evil unicorn and a crazy amount of other really awesome stuff. I should have put this comic at the bottom so you would keep reading the entry, instead of getting so excited about how awesome this comic is and running off to read it rather than me. However, I like it too much to save it for later. (Ooh and I *just* finished every bit of it so far.)

Hark! A Vagrant** - The first comic on this list to be created by a female! Kate Beaton. This is a randomly updated comic basically about history. I read the comic, but I don't know much else to say but that. Her style is quite amusing, and (despite her Canadianness) I usually know what historical person/event she is making fun of. She also has an intermittent series involving Sherlock Holmes and the multiple Watsons. 

A Softer World* - Kinda depressing, but interesting. Usually very thoughtful, melancholy, introspective bits of text overlaid on some photography. Sometimes funny, sometimes super pretty. Not on the addicted list though. No real continuity.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal*** - Another really great, funny comic! There is so much of this one, and there are so many great geeky bits that it's kind of similar to xkcd, except possibly better? The art is definitely better, and there is more of it to read, and I just like the sense of humor too.  

Hyperbole and A Half - Half blog, half webcomic, sorta. This is a very funny blog about Allie's childhood and current life, narrated partially in words and partially in funny MS Paint drawings. Lots of lols. (I can't believe I just wrote that)  

Perry Bible Fellowship - Random strips, mostly with people in an oddly childlike style acting out morbid and creepy gags, but with about 30% of the strips in totally different styles. Often have few words, which adds to the maximum perversity, somehow.

Romantically Apocalyptic - This is just gorgeous! There are only 27 parts to this series, but the art is just phenomenal and huge and there are some extra bits around the site that aren't in the main story, and so aesthetically appealing (for me at least). I love it. Its a combination of photos and digital art, I believe, and boy is it nice on the eye. The setting is an eery post-apocalyptic urban wasteland, occupied by skeletons and the main characters, well-dressed fellows with gas masks, the Captain and his buddy who also has a title which I've forgotten. Also I think they're making a movie or a show or something, can't remember. Anyway, it's worth a look for sure.

The Non-Adventures of Wonderella* - Pretty silly. Not even sure how I found this comic, but it's about a "superhero," Wonderella and her sidekick Wonderita and their nonadventures (I guess) fighting crime. The titles always have awful puns in them. Um, that's about it? Updates on Saturdays, I think.

Doctor Why* (AKA Worst of the Timelords) - This is a funny parody thing of Doctor Who. Very stylised art mostly of the 10th Doctor being emo. The Master takes over for part of it too. It's quite enjoyable but I think they're on hiatus now, sadly.

Channel Ate, Cyanide and Happiness, Diesel Sweeties, Dresden Codak, Girls With Slingshots, Indexed, Octopus Pie, Pictures For Sad Children- I'll write about these guys soon!

* This comic has alt-text/title text! Don't miss out on that (just scroll the cursor over the comic)
** This comic has alt-text some of the time! Check just in case.
*** This comic has its own special version of alt text. Scroll over the red button under the comic to see a little sketch that usually adds to the joke.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Florida, Inception, and an apology. (Or, the story of my life as a two-digiter, a new obsession, and humility)

They say Florida has no seasons, or only one: summer. But I disagree. Florida does have different seasons; you just have to go inside to feel them, and they are the reverse of everywhere else. (The joke is that Floridians, despite living in the subtropics, can't handle extreme outside temperatures, so they create their own inside. During summer, the A/C sinks to wintry lows, and during winter, the heat is on to a sweltering blast. You are more likely to need a jacket if you're going out in August than in January. Insanity.) I've lived in Florida for six years now, having moved from upstate New York when I was almost eleven. When I first got here, I wasn't homesick for NY; the warm temperatures all through fall and winter were a relief, the palm trees were exotic and new, the daily rains were fun and the beaches were fantastic (they still are). After a little while, less than a year, I missed NY like crazy. I seriously considered (as much as you can seriously consider things that are patently impossible) going back in time to before we moved, then calling up my new friends and telling them my crazy story, that we had never met, but in another life we were great friends, and we still could be, across a thousand miles. I made lists of pros and cons of FL, the cons list including things like mosquitoes, no snow, fire ants, no mountains, cockroaches, no neighborhood. I had lived in a development that was built shortly after I was born, where a bunch of couples with babies moved in at the same time I did, meaning that for the first ten years of my life, I had dozens of kids my age within walking distance. In Florida, I only knew two people my age in the whole town, our house was smaller, we had no green grassy lawn and so on. I got used to Florida pretty quickly after that, though, and soon I loved it and my close group of friends. Middle school was awesome. Then I moved onto high school, which I promptly hated. My close friend group had been split among three local high schools, the place was HUGE, the classes were difficult, and I missed the comfort of sameness. I seem to be bad with change in general. Anyway, I got used to it again, and high school was awesome. (Especially after I joined band and gained an instant, default social circle) Now, I'm reaching the burnout for this too. It's not that I don't enjoy life anymore, I'm just becoming a bit more cynical. I have started to become homesick for the first time in years. I miss cold bracing breezes and colorful fall foliage and wearing snow pants and sledding and rocks  and mountains and the cycle of life and death of nature and picking apples and well basically everything that would melt or shrivel here. Socially, I miss having several best friends who you could always count on rather than many friends for different circumstances but not the 7-or-so that were there for anything, conversations that didn't revolve around drugs and sex, not being considered prudish if you didn't curse, having people to obsess with about books, musicals, art or boys. Even further in the past, I miss riding your bike to someone's house and playing Harry Potter dolls, rolling around in the yard without fear of ant bites or cacti, liking church because of the singing and the taste of the communion wafers and wine, climbing trees, walking to the bus stop, being in chorus, feeling rebellious because of the word "download," and using KOL while longing for AOL RED.  Anyway, in summary, I'm nostalgic. I'm still a 90's kid from New York, stuck in a teenage body and life in Florida.


My new obsession is Inception. Sorta rhymes, right? It's a movie all about what I love: brains! More specifically, it's about dreams, which I also love. (I'm not going to spoil anything, if you're wondering) I don't know if I've gone off about lucid dreaming on here (if not, count yourself lucky. My RL buddies have heard quite a lot) but I have been obsessed with that sort of stuff for awhile. It's just downright exciting that a ton of other people in the world are obsessed with it too now. (I'll not go into a silly "I was into lucid dreaming before it was cool" rant here, but I definitely could.) The movie has action, a neato intellectual concept at its base, and a substantial, even complex plot, something that usually doesn't go hand in hand with awesome characters, action, and emotions in movies. It definitely requires more than one viewing. I've jumped into fanart and fanfic, of course, and I have the soundtrack. Can't wait until a high-quality torrent of the film is available. If you're wondering, my favorite sexy dream-delver is Arthur, the waistcoat-wearing, slim, sleek, smart action guy. He's flippin' awesome! Anyway, the movie is as amazing as it is to me because it is so full of ideas. No one comes away from the movie with the same interpretation; it is open to endless analyzing. It screws with your brain more than The Matrix and it stays on your mind for a long time after you see it. My new favorite film. 

And finally, I'm sorry for not writing at all this August! I seem to skip months more and more frequently. August had band camp, procrastinated summer reading, and the beginning of school, so I was super busy. I'm still super busy but I felt like writing. I'll make this another double entry month.

EDIT: I looked back on some old blog entries and found an entry rather similar to this one, or bits of it at least. My October 25, 2009 entry has me going on about how I'm sad that I don't have a few very good friends but rather a moderately large number of acquaintances with whom I don't really fit in. I think the time between August and November has, for the last four years, been a time period full of those sorts of feelings. Not saying they are any less valid, just an interesting observation on the cycle of emotional well-being. Also, that entry contained some random rambling about dreams (mostly inspired by a different rant, not by my obsession with them).

EDIT AGAIN: I seem to have issues with being unconsciously repetitive on here. I never really read past entries, but I found that my March one of this year was similar in my friend-complaining rantititude. I guess I just can't get over how much I fail socially. I might even write some more about it in my next entry (which might be very soon).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

About me

I'm typing this entry at the same time as I'm typing the previous entry, but this one is pretty different. I discovered that I don't really write about myself very often on here, and (for now) my about me thing is pretty useless. So I figured I'd write some random stuff about myself. I might add more later.

Random mental stuff, there are some things that I always mix up. Like, no matter what, I'll always say the wrong one. Pearl Jam and Pink Floyd; Billy Joel and Elton John; Celine Dion and Shania Twain (there's a story behind that one). Those are the music ones. Spanish and Science. I totally know the difference, but my mind just has a redirect for each one that changes what I'm thinking into something else unrelated.

Other random thing: I'm glad I have a few followers on here (for whatever reason), but it would be kinda neat if there was any evidence that someone I don't know IRL was reading too. All my followers are real life friends, ditto on youtube (although there are some random people who have tried to friend me on there) and Facebook. Actually, on Twitter it's different. I only have followers in the teens (12? 17?) but only a couple are people I know. (mainly because hardly anyone I know has a Twitter. I like to tell myself I'm ahead of the game, that they'll all have one eventually, especially considering how popular it is everywhere except in my peer group) And the strangers, I have no idea why they're following me. Actually, I'm not one to talk, I am following a bit less than 70 people on Twitter, and over a third are fictional characters (who don't tweet much) and a majority of the rest are websites and celebrities. Anyway. My point was that it would be cool to think that I am entertaining random people.

About me physically: a lot of people think I'm tall. I'm a bit taller than most girls, but my height is not abnormal. Everyone just overexaggerates a few inches. That said, I kinda wish I was shorter. Also, I'm blonde. Not a stereotype I'd like to be associated with, but whatever.

Usually in “about me” page things they ask you favorite movies, music, TV shows, and other typical things. I think it would be cooler to tell you guys about my other favorites instead. My favorite smells are woodsmoke (as mentioned in the last entry), jasmine, orange blossoms, lilacs, lavender, rain, wet pavement, chocolate chip cookies baking, freshly cut grass (so original! Actually, it reminds me of where I used to live) aaand other stuff I can't think of right now. My favorite (simple) foods are nachos, rice crispy treats, honey nut cheerios, grape/cherry tomatoes, peanut butter, sushi... I like making faces at babies, procrastinating, and the characters in musicals who get electric guitar solos from the orchestra when they show up (like Roger from RENT (though he plays the electric guitar; kinda cheating), Inspector Javert from Les Misérables (it's only really in the song “The Robbery/Javert's Intervention (Another Brawl)” but it's awesome, trust me), Freddie Trumper from Chess, and from Pirates 3 the song “Parlay” when (almost) all the cool characters meet up on a sandbar and the electric guitar riffing rocks. Not a musical, but the soundtrack is super awesome, so yeah.)

Stuff about me and Les Mis. I really like Les Mis; I have for about four years now? I think so. It's a wonderful wonderful novel, and also an awesome musical (and ten million movies, but I'm not going into that). The other day (actually, the first night we stayed in a hotel on this trip; it was in Phoenix) I acquired three different recordings of Les Mis, completing my collection. I had the Original Broadway Cast (OBC) and the Tenth Anniversary Concert (TAC), and I got the Complete Symphonic Recording (CSR), the Original London Cast (OLC) anf the French Concept Album (I don't think it has a commonly-used acronym). Anyway, I seem like a dork, I'm sure, caring so much about different versions of the same musical (granted, one of them is in French so it's pretty different), but it's a big deal. Different styles of conducting, slightly different lyrics, different performers, and vastly different song lists makes every version a unique edition of the musical, and all great in their own way. That and caring about which translation I read shows you two big things about my personality: how obsessed I am with Les Mis, and also how ardent I can be about things I care about.

Oh, other random thing that has always bugged me that is not interesting enough for anyone to want to listen to me rant about (so I'll just blog it so you can skip over it): one time I was in the car with my sister, aunt, and cousin, and my (teenage, male) cousin was driving. He was skipping through radio stations and I heard an unmistakable second or so of “At the End of the Day,” so of course I asked him to go back for just a second so I could make sure. Being a jerk, he didn't. Later, he was skipping though again, and I heard a bit of “Red and Black.” I don't think I need to tell you what happened again, but I was so internally frustrated. I've never heard a radio station play Broadway music, and to miss out on at least finding out what station it was just bugged me in a way I can't express. It's like some magic person points out something that will give you eternal happiness, and then rushes you away before you got a proper glance. And you will never see it again. Tragic.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Yo! I'm blogging in a random, noninternet-y place, typing on Open Office right now. I know I haven't blogged lately (I missed June! I'm terribly sorry! I'l post two entries this month.), but I've been busy doing stuff like climbing mountains, driving in the middle of the night, being on facebook, taking pictures, and other such adventures. I'm on a big long vacationy trip, all over the place, so yeah. Busy. Also, typing has an amazing way of flattening time. This entry will most likely not be written all at once. Right now, I'm in a stuffed car, typing on my laptop.

I wouldn't even be blogging if I hadn't been inspired by Julie and Julia, a pretty good movie about food blogging. And more. In the movie (based on a true story), the main character had a billion followers on her blog. And she mostly wrote about cooking stuff. But I was thinking (also being inspired by Hyperbole and a Half, a part webcomic, part regular blog that is hilarious) that I might get more followers (not that I really care) if I was funny or something. Not something you can force, I suppose. I guess I could start with more frequent updates, and then work on the whole “be interesting” thing. So right now, I'll just spill super random stuf about the trip so far that needs to be spilled (as lately, I've been neglecting my blog and my diary equally).

The other day, we were driving towards Bryce Canyon National Park, and we drove through the Red Canyon area. The weather was in the eighties (felt awesome compared to the 100's in Vegas) and the beautiful red rock formations/cliffs/mountains were gorgeous, and there was a controlled burn/prescribed fire going on nearby, and I LOVE the smell of that. Like, I have an unnatural love for the smell of woodsmoke. One of the symptoms of pyromania, I suppose, but it's not like the smell of cigarettes or burning rubber or any other kind of burning. Like when there were (bad) wildfires going on in Georgia and North Florida, and the air smelled like smoke all the time (and ashes floated around all over the place), I loved it. I know it was bad and that they were huge, scary, uncontrollable fires ripping through the world, but it just smelled so good.

We've been at a much higher elevation than usual for this whole trip, and it is also very dry. Where I live, the elevation is a bit more than 100 feet, and it's super humid. Around here, we're usually between 6,000 and 10,000 feet, and we're in deserts and other craziness. As a result, my lips are the biggest victim of this trip. They burn. Plus, headaches and having to drink more than usual make my lips even drier, plus doing stuff when I'm mentally absent means I chew on my lips. In conclusion, ow. I need to get some chapstick. Also the air is thinner (less dense?) at higher elevations oo. Not sure how that fits in.

The days and nights are blending together (not with each other though, thank goodness) and it's very hard to keep track of where we were when. Besides looking at pictures, which clarifies things, it's all a blur of driving, sleeping in hotels and the car and the tent, letterboxing, and walking/hiking. Everywhere we go is so variegated. We've seen tons of mountains, but they're all different colors and shapes. Like the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon, and the plateaus in Texas, and the monoliths in Arizona, and the big craggy, waterfally ones in Yosemite. And as cities go, Phoenix and Las Vegas and Sacramento and Hollywood and San Francisco and Milpitas and Salida and Oakland and Loomis and Fairfield and so on were all so different from each other. Even with all the differences in landscape though, time is flying and blurring. I feel a bit homesick for boring, humid, flat land and a consistent place to sleep with internet and reliable food sources. On the other hand though, I don't want all the action to end either. Then the time will pass even sooner and the rest of the summer will be a crazed mess of summer reading, band camp and being lazy and nocturnal.

Right now I look like an idiot, wearing my geeky rectangular glasses and my shades resting on top of them covering my forehead. It's my version of transition lenses.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Doctor is a slut.

Okay guys. This blog is gonna be very Doctor Who-ish again. If not entirely Doctor Who-ish. {I dunno if I've ever mentioned this on here, but ever since I started blogging, if I've had the urge to spew my thought, it's been on here that I do so. As compared to in my actual diary. Granted, I write about different stuff on here, but still. I haven't been keeping up with my diary as much.}

So yeah. About my blog post title, here's the long story version. The other day, I said to my biffle, "I wish I was the Doctor so I could always have a good excuse to be kissed or to kiss people. Like Rose, 'Uh, sorry Rose, I had to snog you to transfer all the energy of the Tardis into me, so I could regenerate into a hotter version of myself, and you could not die.' Or Martha 'I had to kiss you so that the Judoon would detect the human DNA on me and not think I'm the alien.' Or Donna 'Yeah, you had to kiss me to shock me out of a poisoning attempt.' Or Jack, well, he's just Jack. He doesn't need an excuse. You get it." That whole deal made me realize, the Doctor is a slut! Then, just now, got to see "Flesh and Stone" and then Amy even sorta snogs him, and without a good science fictiony excuse! This series of revelations was astounding. Not to mention, ladies and gentlemen, there are no Google results for "The Doctor is a slut" and only one for "The Doctor is a manwhore." And I figure I need to fix this huge gap in obvious fact for the sake of the accuracy of the internet. So now, if someone searches "The Doctor is a slut," they will get my blog! Woo!

Anyway, I have yet to watch "Vampires in Venice." The reasons for this are threefold: It's not written by Steven Moffat, so I'm not excited out of my mind; I just watched the previous episode on freaking Megavideo, and I don't want my time limit to leave me in suspense because I can't find any better link; and finally, I felt like blogging! So there we go. I'll go watch that now.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy April, y'all!

I'm pretty sure April Fools day is leaping whimsically up to the top of my favorite holidays, just because of all of the silly thing various websites do in celebration. I'm out of town at the moment, so I can't (rather, refuse to) tell myself I should be doing something productive. I'm taking my opportunity to spout my excitement! Today is actually Easter, and it's spring break, and yesterday the first episode of the Eleventh Doctor's season of Doctor Who came out (in Britain, and online worldwide) and I've seen it already, and they are going to continue weekly! Joyousness! (Why is my spell check not telling me that's wrong? Is joyousness actually a word?) So yeah, this entry was inspired by the spouting I've already done on Facebook. I'm going to put down all that I wrote on there, on here, and then add some more. If you don't like Doctor Who, (you're crazy! Just kidding) you might not wish to read this. 

My original status: Matt Smith's first line as the 11th Doctor in his first full episode: "*grunt* *grunt* *gasp* Ahhhhhh! *grunt*"

Follow-up comments.

The new theme is quite different, featuring lightning bolts and hellfire and the new names and logo. I'm anxious already.
about an hour ago ·

"Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans." This Doctor is petulant and picky. He doesn't like apples (blasphemy!), yogurt, bacon, beans, bread and butter, carrots? Whiny young fellow.
about an hour ago ·

Does this little girl have parents or what? I suspect she's Amy Pond, but I've been avoiding spoilers... Plus - Fishsticks and custard? Wasn't "I hate pears" enough?
about an hour ago · 

This episode is already kinda creepy... well done Stephen Moffat, if you're involved. I'm thinkin' I was right in my last comment.
about an hour ago ·

Except she doesn't have parents.
about an hour ago ·

Okay he is gooood. Stephan Moffat, you have done it again. I had to cover my mouth to keep from screaming and waking my mum and sis. Why do I always watch these at night?
about an hour ago ·

Hehe "I'm a kissogram!"
about an hour ago ·

Apparently the "What? What? WHAT?!?" Got passed down.
about an hour ago ·  

"Twelve years!" "You hit me with a cricket bat!" "Twelve years!" "A cricket bat!" "Twelve years, and four psychiatrists!" "oh." "I kept biting them." "Why?" "They said you weren't real."
about an hour ago ·

"I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everybody's aunt."
about an hour ago ·

This is just chock full of super duper quotes! "Fantastic! I've got twenty minutes to save the world, and I've got a post office. And it's shut."
about an hour ago ·

Okay, he was weird looking before, and now he's kinda pretty? I guess he must be growing on me.
about an hour ago ·

I'm really curious about the "Raggedy Doctor" cartoons everyone's talking about. 
about an hour ago ·

Now that's an entrance. Next time I go to a party I'm crawling in the window via firetruck ladder.
56 minutes ago ·

Hehe "The Doctor will see you now" and she didn't turn her back. 
47 minutes ago ·

I paused it right before I get to see the TARDIS's new interior... I better get to see it, or I will be very disappointed. Here goes. *unpause*
44 minutes ago ·

He said "Oh you sexy thing." Now if I don't get to see it I will cry.
43 minutes ago ·

"Yeah, it's cool. Bow ties are cool!" "Are you from another planet?" "Yeah." "'Kay."
40 minutes ago ·

And I haven't seen it yet! Prepare for hysterics!
40 minutes ago ·

Okay she got to see it before me! I have you Amy Pond! Friggin show it to me!
38 minutes ago ·

32 minutes ago ·

Weeping Angels and Cybermen and Daleks and new things and she was going to get married? and whaen does this come back? I guess he's okay.
31 minutes ago ·

The theme has an entirely new, epic melody weaving in and the original ooo-ooo-oooooooo... thingy is more beeeyooweeyooweeyoo (wahwah effectish) than before, sorta skipping the first "ooo." Not sure if I agree with all the updates, but I'm certainly in suspense.

So I guess it's about 6 1/2 days until the next episode? And then another week 'till the next, which will be when this episode airs in good ol' America. We are always behind on everything, fashions and fads, great television, and I'm getting side tracked. My point is, back to regular, once a week showing of Doctor Who? I am excited beyond belief. So much so that I feel I must eat something.

See, the thing about the Weeping Angels returning is weird and exciting, but the thing about River Song returning is just weird to me. She recognized the Doctor and implied that he was in the same regeneration when she first met him. I'm pretty sure. She just said "You look young" or something, not "What's the deal with your face?" just "Why are you pretending not to recognize me?" not "Your soul seems familiar, but your body is a stranger." If she said those exact words, though, I think they would be all over the place. Cool line, that. Anyway, this is enough speculation for ye olde Facebook.

PS When I wrote "I have you Amy Pond" I meant "hate." I was slightly impassioned and hasty. On that note though, it's good that there doesn't seem to be blossoming romance between the two, just an old childhood obsession. Then again...
a moment ago ·

Alright, that's all of it, minus a comment from a friend and my reply. Keepin' it anonymous! Except for the fact that NOW I'VE LINKED TWO OF MY CYBER ALTER EGOS! Someone might find out my secret blogging identity now. Anyway, begin speculation.

There's gonna be Daleks in London in World War II. What a perfect parallel, as they are like monstrous overzealous Nazis themselves. And Winston Churchill! Cool. Except the episode is called Victory of the Daleks, which follows the "____ of the Daleks" title formula, but is a bit more worrisome. The Daleks are never supposed to win! And beautiful vampire girls. In Venice. I hope they don't fall into any pits of cliche. But Venice is pretty neat. [I am seriously hungry] I'm not a big fan of the new Doctor's new outfit, but, as I now know where it came from, it is more interesting at least. And bowties are kinda cool. [My sister is talking in her sleep] But really? Tweed? [Quote in head, pounding on skull. Alright, you can come out. "Who da man?"] I just paused to flash back to Moffat's previous stories. A lot of them have a chant type thing. In The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, it's "Are you my mummy?" and it's terrifying. In Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead, it's both "Hey! Who turned out the lights?" and also "Donna Noble has left the Library. Donna Noble has been saved." And those are darn creepy too. In Blink, it's arguably "Don't blink" but that's pushing it. In this one, it's the "Prisoner Zero has escaped" or whatever. Not sure what you'd call the technique, but Moffat has mastered the art of creeping us out with a single repeated sentence. I think RTD tried to copy it with the drumbeat thing, and it worked pretty well. Well, it's darn late, and I haven't written much, but I must sleep now. Tata! (It's a quarter to four)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm Alive! In a way...

It's March 23, officially Spring but flippin' Florida's ridiculousness isn't showing it. Much. It's been warm off and a couple days, but primarily unseasonably chilly. (God. Who says primarily? I didn't even notice I said that...) 

Anyway, I wasn't planning on talking about the weather. My blog topics (blopics?) are so dull! I talk about actual blogging (like right now (actually, much better word based on a cool prefix: metablogging. For those unenlightened by (Greek? Latin?) prefix-ish knowledge, meta refers to something that is about itself, or refers to itself. Like metapoetry would be poetry about poetry, metahumour is humour about humor, or the joke itself, metaphysics would be physics that is about physics (which it all sorta is, in a way...), metablogging means blogging about blogging. I should change the name of my tag on here...)) (Too many parenthesis, as usual), I talk about the weather, about TV shows and websites. The point of this entry was to say "I'm not dead yet." I have been trying to keep up at least one entry per month, and my last was around (if not on) the first of February, which feels like a long time ago (for many unhappy reasons), so I figured I would do my March one before it's too late. You see, yesterday (Monday) I had Driver's Ed. 'till 8:30pm, today I had band 'till 8:30 as well, tomorrow Driver's Ed. 'till 9, Thursday will be frantic homework day (I DESPISE YOU, ELEPHANT!), Friday I get out of school early to go to a competition from which we will return around 2:30am (joy), then go to March of Dimes at 7ish, then a concert on Sunday, then the research project is due Monday. After that I will collapse and die from exhaustion. Sometime around that time it will be April, and I will have "missed the window." So yeah. I'm a busy gal.

Anyway, I'm still around to bestow unwanted personal deets on y'all. Just for a short while today/tonight. I'll be taking requests. Just kidding. Goodness gracious I've already gone mad. Well, since I have received no requests, here some unleashing of TMI. A lot of the people who I used to be very close friends with have lives, and seem to be changing before my eyes. I don't really have a specific group of friends anymore. I have the motley lunch group, I have people in each of my classes to talk to, not much overlap there. There's nothing wrong with my current crowd; I just feel like I am less close to them then I have been with others in the past. Some past friends are being corrupted by the company of others (If you're reading this, it's probably not you, so don't worry), some are being changed not in a good or bad way, just different, by others, and some may have been different all along and I just never noticed. The further I go in life, the less I think that others are like me. Now, I'm not being emo here, or being egotistical. I'm just stating my realizations as I have had them. My brain is odd, I think I've always known that. But I've been discovering how hard it is for me to relate on a deeper level then small talk with anyone. I don't know if my character has been fleshed out by the author of life and my personality has become more complex, or my perception has just become less cloudy and I am realizing the truth. But either way, I don't feel fulfilled. I do think I a lot like other in some ways that I haven't been in the past; I have become more stereotypically teenagery, in that I care what people think a lot of the time. I sometimes worry that I am unsatisfactory, even though that goes against my personal philosophy concerning individuality. Also, my romantic life is nonexistent as ever, and although that shouldn't concern me, my pubescent emotions are running rampant and I have no choice in the loneliness I often feel, romantically. I would have no idea how to start or maintain a relationship, but I see everyone around me pairing up, breaking up, and pairing anew, and I just feel outside of that whole system. Also, I don't have the time to do anything like that. In other news, I'm reall ysleepy (see! I keep doing that.) but I have loads to do. Bluhglub